Clock Radio

CP2102 Scavenging

Sat Nov 13 2021 16:17

This is the fastest way to get a CP2102 chip right now.

It also provides a USB jack I’ll probably use elsewhere and some LEDs and resistors I can use for this project.

I put this chip on my board and it didn't work. Recognized a device was there but couldn't enumerate it. Clearly some kind of communication snafu on the USB lines. I scratch my head for a bit, reassemble the USB-serial board I took it off of, and it works fine. So there's a problem with either connectivity (bad solder joint) or something else wrong with my board.

It turned out the problem was hacks on hacks, and undefined behavior.

Because the CP2102 doesn't have the charge signaling that the N version has, I tied the charge signal to USB V+. Well that signal also still connects to the CP2102 chip on one of the NC pins. Apparently that pin was actually connected to something internally, since it prevented it from working properly.

I enabled charging a different way and everything started working again.