The front and back of the v1 board.
A v2 board next to a v1 board, along with a pile of BPS boards.
Validating the design. I reached the limit of the CC SINK at 2.17A, where the SUPER POWER PAK remained steady at 4.896V.
Validating the charge side. The cell was almost full, so it's only charging at 800mA here.
The NTC thermistor (sloppily) soldered to the negative tab of the battery.
I twisted around a TO-92 2N7002 MOSFET to work with the swapped pads on the v1 board.
The v1 board had VBATT running on the bottom of the board right next to the ground plane. When I accidentally shorted the battery at the headers, the VBATT trace went up in smoke. This is why you need battery protection on your hacky bullshit.
Prototype v2 pack. 3D printed case with a lot of hot glue holding things in. Battery reclaimed out of an old garbage RCA tablet.