Look at that beautiful 0.5mm pitch work! I did that with a soldering iron!
First build. Completely untested at this point.
Closeup of the USB type-C connector tucked under the EPROM socket.An image programmed into an EPROM. The image comes from a buddy of mine who stacked a bunch of pcap graphs in the style of Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures. The noise comes from the degradation of the EPROM by intentional UV exposure. You can see some pixels flickering because that bit is in an indeterminate state likely influenced by other electrical activity in the chip. It's important to remember that all digital electronics still exist in a continuous physical universe.A modification of the previous demo, which instead offsets the read of each row by a rolling index scrolled through a table of offsets. You've probably seen something like this as a "heat shimmer" in a classic 16-bit game. Greetz to the guys who did Earthbound's battle backgrounds.This demo writes to a RAM chip from an Arduino. You can see how slow the interface is.
The same RAM test as before, but outputting an eight color VGA signal. I wasn't able to use the full 64 colors except in simple pattern tests due to a lack of available logic.